Prayer Life

Our Liturgies

At Good Shepherd Parish, when we gather, especially for the Liturgy, Jesus is here, in our joyful welcoming, in our meaningful songs, in our prayerful declaration of the Word. We stand as the Body of Christ, united by our desire to be One in the sacrament of the Eucharist. All peoples, regardless of age, race, culture, social standing or sexual orientation, come together as a Family of God, to pray, to support each other, to bring our hearts and souls to share at the Table. And after we are fed, we are inspired to take that loving care out to the world to share with everyone we meet.

Come as you are! Come with all your human imperfections! Be part of the Family of Good Shepherd who praise God and worship together, in understanding, acceptance, and joy!

At Good Shepherd, most liturgies begin with a celebration of JOY by welcoming guests, recognizing birthdays, anniversaries and other events God is working in our lives.

We are blessed with music and songs that encourage full assembly participation, excellent proclamations of the scripture and practical, thought provoking homilies.

We welcome all of God's children to the Lord's table to share in the Holy Eucharist.

Have Children?

All the baptized are called to grow in faith through an encounter with the Word of God. Often the Liturgy of the Word at Mass helps adults to engage the concepts of the scriptures through examples from our everyday lives. These examples are normally drawn from the adult world. Listen to the Lord is the name of our Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the weekend Masses and is for any children K4-Grade 5.


Weekend Mass


4:30 PM

Weekend Mass


9:30 AM

Weekday Mass


8:30 AM

Prayer Service


8:30 AM

Daily Adoration

When Jesus withdrew into the desert, it was a holy place that allowed him to withdraw from the distractions of everyday life in order to be close to God. At Good Shepherd, we have a very special holy place where you can go to withdraw and be close to Christ and to His Father. Our Blessed Sacrament Chapel is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. It is also open before and after Mass. You are welcome to withdraw there!

Seasonal Prayer Services

Each Lent and Advent we hold prayer services at 6:00 PM Sunday evening to help center ourselves and reflect on the meaning of these seasons in our lives.

"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."
St. Therese of Lisieux (CCC 2558)

How Can We Pray For You?