Funeral Planning

“When a Catholic dies, the Church celebrates a particular set of liturgical rites to help us through the immediate days of our grieving, to express our belief in eternal life, and to help us pray for the one who has died.”
(vi, Order of Christian Funerals)

Who Should You Contact?

To schedule a funeral and a time to meet with our parish director/deacon, please call the Parish Office, (262) 255-2035, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, or Deacon Sandy Sites directly, 262-388-5299.  If you have contacted or will be contacting a funeral home, please do not plan a date or time until you schedule one at the parish.

Planning the Funeral

·    A time will be arranged with the family to plan the liturgy.

What to Think About

  • Who will help place the white cloth on the casket (if there is one)? (Usually 2-4 people)
  • Readings: Picking up planning materials ahead of time helps in the planning.
  • An Old Testament Reading, and who will read it?
  • A New Testament Reading, and who will read it?
  • A Gospel Reading (read by the presider)
  • Prayers of the Faithful – a sample set of prayers will be given to the family to be adapted if necessary. Who will read them?
  • Selection of appropriate music.
  • If it is a Mass, who will bring forward the bread and wine?
  • Who will assist with Communion?
  • Do you want anyone from the family to share a brief memory (3-4 minutes)? If yes, who? – Done prior to the beginning of Mass
  • Do you want to show a slideshow of pictures? (Set up in the narthex on a monitor provided by the family or the funeral home.)
  • Other special requests, such as extra tables in the narthex? Funeral home provides the easels.
Deacon Sandy Sites

Parish Director