Easter Season Celebrations

What a beautiful Easter season! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed Alleluia!! This beautiful season is filled with many exciting times in our parish. Two of them are very near and dear to my heart.

This Easter we celebrate that 11 of our children receive their First Eucharist. For the first time, they get to experience Jesus in a new way and now get to experience Jesus in this way each and every Mass along with the community. The smiles on their faces, the anxiety in their hearts, the excitement in their voices, the curiosity in their minds is all splendid.

We also celebrate that 20 of our youth receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They are fully accepting their part in the Catholic Church and asking to be fully initiated. They are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that they will share with their families, friends, Church and parish. We are so blessed to have these beautiful youth celebrating this powerful Sacrament with us.

We thank all who have taken part in their formation:

† Our catechists who have taught them in Growing Faith.

† Our families who have been interacting with them in Generations of Faith

† Our formation teams who have planned lessons, retreats and activities to form them.

Keep praying for our youth, children, their families and the Sacraments.

Corinna Ramsey
Director of Child and Youth Ministries