Pastoral Care Invitations

Prayer Corner
Our prayer corner after Mass has restarted with great success. We are in need of parishioners who would like to join this ministry and share with your fellow parishioners. We will provide training and guidance as you need. Please search your heart. Perhaps the Spirit is calling you to this precious ministry. If interested please call Jean Gatton:
(414) 467-2812

Homebound & Card Ministry
We are continuing to reach out to our parish family members, neighbors and friends who are ill or homebound and unable to attend activities at Good Shepherd. If you or someone you know is in this position, please let us know. We have a magnificent card ministry that reaches out to the homebound. Please forward any names (address and or phone number) to Cheryl: or (262) 305-4117.

Home Visitation
Pastoral Care is an outreach ministry for those in need of a connection with their faith. We can bring communion and/or offer 1:1 visitation to those who are unable to attend Mass. We visit people in their home, assisted living and nursing homes. You do not need to be a parishioner. If you know of someone who might like this connection please contact Cheryl: or (262) 305-4117.