He Is Risen Indeed!! Now What?

I am reminded each year the day after Easter that it is going to be a challenge to keep the spirit of the season alive, to keep up the spiritual momentum. The temptation on Easter Monday is to relax and say, “it’s over.” In reality, the great high holy feast of Easter is not a finish line but a starting mark. Lent and the Triduum are kind of like the sailing regatta prep for the race itself allowing us to build momentum.

Thanks to the efforts of many, many dedicated staff, council and ministry volunteers at Good Shepherd, I thought we had a particularly meaningful Lent and Triduum this year as we internalized “Embodying God’s Promise.” Here’s hoping that we have all built up enough momentum to sail successfully as long as possible, so we can get through the rough seas that we know will come. And here’s hoping that when 2024 comes to a close, a finish line of sorts, we can look back and agree that the most important thing that happened for us the past year was Easter, and the promise of eternal life. I look forward to seeing you all at the finish line!

Wishing you a happy, holy, and blessed Easter season, and rest of 2024.

Deacon Sandy Sites