Embody God’s Promise Throughout Lent

This Lent, our theme will be: “Embody God’s Promise.” Throughout the six weeks of Lent, we will break this theme open together as a community through scripture, song, prayer, homily, and personal reflection. We invite all to internalize, or Embody, the everlasting nature of the richness of all that God promises to us. May each of us through Lenten prayers, almsgiving, and fasting (from the ways of the world), reflect our awareness of God’s covenant with us. Let us “Be” the Promise of God in our parish, in our community, and in our world. Wishing all a powerful and life changing Lent 2024.

Lenten Almsgiving Project Begins with Ash Wednesday

Our Lenten Almsgiving that starts with Ash Wednesday is for the Jim Luther New Hope Center in Milwaukee (formerly St. Hyacinth Food Pantry). They provide food and hygiene items to 4,000 families each year. They must purchase hygiene products at stores because their food suppliers lack free hygiene supplies. We would like to help them supply hygiene products to their families.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, we will have Almsgiving tags printed with specific items or monetary donations in the Narthex. You can choose your tag(s) and bring in your donation anytime during Lent. There will be baskets on the altar for your hygiene donations and a bin in the narthex for usable plastic grocery bags.

Each week during our offertory song, after the bread and wine have been brought up, you can bring your donations up to the altar and put them in the baskets. (We also will remind you on the screens.)