Being a Good Neighbor

Submitted by Barb Messerknecht

Excerpt adapted from “AWAKEN”, Reflection by: Shaylen Romney Garret, Author of “A Nation of Neighbors”

Shaylen Romney Garret says, “We are living in a moment with a very “I” moment focused mentality about community. We see ourselves as consumers of community and view community as a way to fulfill our own needs. It may seem counterintuitive. But our need for connection can be met more efficiently when we are in a service mode, rather than a consuming mode.”

Remember Mr. Roger’s neighborhood? He taught children and adults alike the basics of being a good neighbor and to never mind our differences (neighborhood, nationality, color and more.) Good Shepherd Parish offers many opportunities for us to join the “Service Mode” mentioned by Shayen Romney Garret. Contact Marguerite Thompson for service opportunities.