Building and Grounds (B&G) at Work

The B&G committee has been working on many items for safety within and around the building. Some of these projects are supported by your generosity to Love One Another (LOA.)

Projects Identified for Increased Safety
~Panic doors are to be installed at the top of the northwest staircase and middle staircases to limit accessibility and promote the safety of the Daycare and Good Shepherd children; catechists and teachers in rooms on the second floor; and have accessibility limited to daycare personnel and children.
~Rekey all doors for limiting access to building from outside and within to replace faulty locks and address accessibility concerns.
~Kitchen ceiling and floor to be repaired/replaced due to cleanliness and health concerns.
~West parking lot entrance to be temporarily repaired with permanent repair next year.
~Hartfel House patio to be replaced.

These currently identified projects will be done as LOA funds become available. Information on worship space and technology projects will be coming soon.