God, You Are Good and Forgiving

There are psalms of praise and psalms of lament. Psalm 86 is an individual lament but as a liturgical song for people in grief. It expresses a sort of universal sorrow. In the verses we beg God to listen to our pleading and give us strength. We praise God for endless forgiveness. None of us deserve the grace God pours forth abundantly, but God gives it anyway. As we experience God’s kindness, mercy, and patience, may we extend that kindness, mercy and patience to others.

You, O God, are good and forgiving, loyal to all who call on you.
Hear my prayer, answer my cry for help.
Every nation you formed will come to worship and honor your name.
You are mighty and work great wonders.

You alone are God!
You are a God of mercy and care,
a God slow to anger, full of loyalty and love.
Turn to me, pity me,
strengthen your handmaid’s child, rescue your servant.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]