Gay and Straight in Christ: Giving Thanks & Nov 13 Meeting

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

Despite being fired from some Catholic institutions, despite the Supreme Court of the United States ruling against them in discrimination suits, there is much for which the LGBTQ+ Catholic community can be thankful. Here are a few:

  • The Belgian Bishops have released a new liturgy to bless same-gender couples.
  • Pope Francis told an advocacy group to continue to seek a “church that excludes no one.”
  • A Vatican Office is decorated with visible artwork which reference gender and sexual diversity.

Most importantly, our local clergy are supportive and inclusive. Fr. Greg Greiten and Dcn. Sandy Sites as representatives of Catholic clergy, both began their homilies the weekend of October 8/9 with the words “I love you!” directed at LGBTQ+ persons. The “Mass of Celebration and Inclusion” at St. Bernadette’s parish included the faith journey of a same-sex couple and transgender woman. The Mass was 90 minutes, and no one wanted to leave! God Bless Fr. Greg, Dcn. Sandy, and the many others who work to make our church a “church that excludes no one.”

Join us, Sunday, Nov 13 at 7:00 PM in the Mary of Magdala Chapel. Our group extends the welcoming spirit of inclusion as we give thanks and praise to God and share the happenings of our lives.
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