Servant of God: Sr. Thea Bowman’s
Journey to Sainthood
Documentary & Discussion

Saturday, December 3, 5:45 PM, Daniels Hall
Pizza Dinner & Drinks Served
RSVP Requested (click button below)

Sr. Thea Bowman is no stranger to Wisconsin. She attended the convent high school and completed vows for religious life with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in LaCrosse. Sr. Thea’s life was not saved from racial prejudice in the convent. Convents, like other institutions, were not ready to welcome Black Catholic women.

Memories of Sr. Thea speak of her joyous personality and her love for Jesus and the Church. It was not unusual for her to break out into song during prayer. Her actions and preaching spread the word on the Black Catholic experience. She taught lay people, clergy and even bishops! Her life was shortened by breast cancer, but she always pledged to “live until I die.” In fact, she fulfilled her pledge a month before her death, she preached to the bishops at a USCCB Conference. Sister Thea Bowman is currently on the path to canonization and referred to as Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman.