Ellacuria Twinning Relationship Hard at Work

By Ron Leonhardt

In August we received an urgent request from our friends in Ellacuria for funds to repair their community truck. This truck, which is more than 20 years old, is used for transporting goods and people for many purposes and is the only vehicle available for such use. They were given an August 31 deadline to make repairs, estimated to cost $3,000. Our Ellacuria ministry approved the request and arranged a wire transfer to their bank. However, the bank refused withdrawal of the funds without the community conducting an audit of their development association. It took several weeks of communicating back and forth to find another way to transmit the funds (and reverse the initial wire transfer.) But the funds finally reached the community, and they can proceed to get the truck back into service. Many of us who have been to Ellacuria have ridden in this open-bed truck, and it’s quite a ride! Special thanks to our translator, Terry Margherita, and Administrative Services Director Joe Kallenberger, for their help resolving this matter.

You Can Support Ellacuria as Part of the Archdiocesan “Missionary Cooperation Plan”

Our own ministry and twinning relationship with Ellacuria, El Salvador is the beneficiary of this year’s campaign. To give online, go to: