Aftermath of Hurricane Julia on Ellacuria, El Salvador

Hurricane Julia came to bear down on El Salvador and our twinning community of Ellacuria on October 10th. Some of the impact and losses closer to that date which have been reported are:

  • 397 rescues have been carried out, 162 obstructed roads are reported, 256 fallen trees, 112 landslides, 193 homes, and 10 vehicles affected, 15 floods, 134 river overflows, 1,110 evacuated, 10 deceased and 83 shelters have been activated.
  • 90 shelters are available to the population, 83 are in use and, 678 families are sheltered, which is equivalent to 2,097 people.
  • Food insecurity due to the loss of all corn, beans, vegetables, and sorghum crops:
    • Lack of economic income due to the loss of small businesses.
    • Increased migration due to loss of jobs and housing.
    • Difficulty in getting around the communities to carry out their daily work activities due to the destruction of roads. [Source:]

Rosa from Ellacuria reported that the roads were totally inundated and many people had water in their homes. A great concern was about the crops and that food source getting washed away. They had to suspend school because of the water in the halls, making the floors dangerous and their desire to avoid accidents. Continued prayers are appreciated for all affected by this hurricane.