Pastoral Care News

Well, this has certainly been a challenge since 2020. A great deal of what we do requires close contact with others, and considering the climate of healthcare and society, we had to suspended most of our programs. Some programs have continued and have been a major source of support to all of us:

CARD MINISTRY: This priceless program has been so well received especially after COVID-19 shut us down. It is one of the most precious outreaches to our homebound and ill parishioners, friends, and community.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Wonderful parishioners have continued to knit and crochet beautiful shawls for the homebound. I would like to take a moment to offer my sincere and grateful thanks to Betty Wachowiak who coordinated this ministry for many years. We welcome aboard Margaret Jung who will help continue the ministry.

Please call Cheryl at (262) 305-4117 if you would like to make homemade cards, crochet or knit with prayer and love for these beautiful outreaches.