You Are My Inheritance, O God

Most of us own something, but not necessarily land or property. In an agricultural society, the landless many times were totally depended on God. So, “You are my inheritance, O God” would eventually become appropriate for the people, for all creation belonged to God. The opening verses of Psalm 16 express steadfast trust in God. The 1st reading is linked to the gospel by offering a vision of what will result when one is faithful to the divine invitation.

Protect me, God, I turn to you for help.
I profess, “You are my God, my greatest good.”

You measure out my portion, the shape of my future.

I bless God wo teaches me, who schools my heart even at night.

I am sure God is here, right beside me. I cannot be shaken.

So my heart rejoices, my body thrills with life, my whole being rests secure.

You will not abandon me to the netherworld,
nor send your faithful one to death.

You show me the road to life: boundless joy at your side for ever!

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]