You Are a Priest Forever, in the Line of Melchizedek

Who is the priest in this Psalm 110? Is it Jesus? Is it those in the line of apostolic succession? Or could it be all of us who are called in our baptism to be priests, prophets and kings in our communities. The psalm, a royal enthronement song, calls us to reflect on Christ’s royal priesthood, the priesthood of the faithful and the priesthood of the ordained. On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ we must become “another Christ” in the midst of our world, each and every day. At the end of the consecratory prayer, the presider says, “Do this in memory of me.” We are called to be the bread broken and the wine poured out for the needs of humanity. We gather as the Body of Christ. At Communion time, “The Body of Christ gives the Body of Christ to the Body of Christ.”

The Most High decrees to the king:
Take the throne at my right hand, I will make your enemies a footrest.
I will raise your scepter over Zion and beyond, over all your enemies.
Your people stand behind you on the day you take command.
You are made holy, splendid, newborn like the dawn, fresh like the dew.

God’s oath is firm:
You are a priest for ever, the rightful king by my decree.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]