As part of our base Generations of Faith program we include introduction to the core teachings of the Catholic Faith through a supplemental program for children and teens called Growing Faith. Growing Faith is an additional session each month for our youth and children and normally meets on the fourth Sunday morning of the month. This program provides young people with a systematic introduction to our basic beliefs and practices as well as supporting sacramental preparation.  It is our hope that these sessions will help our young people to enter more easily into the regular conversations about our faith during the Generations of Faith program.

Because this is part of our Generations of Faith program, when you register for Generations of Faith your child is automatically enrolled in the Growing Faith class at their grade level. There is no fee for Growing Faith classes, but you must be enrolled in Generations of Faith to participate in the classes. There is an additional charge for materials for First Reconciliation and First Communion prep, and for Confirmation Year One and Year Two retreats.

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Corinna Ramsey

Director of Child & Youth Ministry

Mary Oswald

Formation Ministries Associate

Upcoming Meetings and Events