Become A Member

Become A Member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Good Shepherd. We strive to be a welcoming, supportive and engaging community. If you have not already, please join us in celebrating Mass some weekend. If possible, take part in our adult formation opportunities, social events or service outreach while you come to know our community and the Spirit which unites us.

There are no formal requirements to become a member or maintain membership. Good Shepherd does depend on its parish family for support to cover operational costs which include utilities, employee salaries and benefits, programming expenses for all departments and maintenance of our building and grounds. Additionally, as a community, member engagement is critical to furthering the mission of the parish. Parish staff manages the details of day-to-day operations, but community members are the persons primarily responsible for carrying out the work of the parish, serving as liturgical ministers, teachers, ministry leaders and outreach coordinators, supporting and caring for one another. We would hope to find you engaged in ministry as an active member of the community. Should your life circumstances not allow for this level of engagement, you are always more than welcome to celebrate Mass with the community. We welcome you no matter what and look forward to coming to know Christ better alongside you.

Upon us receiving your registration, you will receive a follow-up contact from our Parish Director, Deacon Sandy Sites, and further communication from other staff members who can help you navigate our various ministry offerings based upon your life circumstances.

May you be blessed by the Spirit of Christ!

Prayer Life